Zsight icon




Program available in: English

Program license: Free

Program by: Zmodo Support


Zsight is an app for viewing video from IP devices. This app is especially useful for those who are monitoring their homes, offices, or both locations. In addition to being to view video, Zsight allows you to instantly take snapshots of anything you want to save.

While viewing video from IP devices, you'll be able to hear the live audio. In addition, you can send audio of your own with the use of this app. Therefore, Zsight works especially well for those wanting to communicate with other people or animals in their home while they're away.

To summarize, Zsight is a wise app to check out if you are need of a viewer for videos sourced from IP devices. This app allows you to view videos, take snapshots, listen to live audio, and communicate with whoever is present.


Programs similar to Zsight

  • Night Owl HD 4.2

    Night Owl HD

    Monitor your home or business anytime, anywhere in real-time

  • ATVCloud V1.9.0



  • NetCam 2.0.4


    Watch your home on your smartphone or tablet from anywhere with Netcam.

  • SwannView Link

    SwannView Link

    SwannView Link: Live Swann NVR and DVR viewing on your Android phone.


Permissions required by Zsight

  • ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION: Allows an app to access precise location. Alternatively, you might want ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION.
  • ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Allows applications to access information about networks.
  • ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.
  • BATTERY_STATS: Allows an application to collect battery statistics
  • CAMERA: Required to be able to access the camera device.
  • CHANGE_CONFIGURATION: Allows an application to modify the current configuration, such as locale.
  • CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE: Allows applications to change network connectivity state.
  • CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE: Allows applications to enter Wi-Fi Multicast mode.
  • CHANGE_WIFI_STATE: Allows applications to change Wi-Fi connectivity state.
  • DISABLE_KEYGUARD: Allows applications to disable the keyguard if it is not secure.
  • INTERNET: Allows applications to open network sockets.
  • MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS: Allows mounting and unmounting file systems for removable storage.
  • READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Allows an application to read from external storage.
  • READ_PHONE_STATE: Allows read only access to phone state, including the phone number of the device, current cellular network information, the status of any ongoing calls, and a list of any PhoneAccounts registered on the device.
  • RECORD_AUDIO: Allows an application to record audio.
  • SET_DEBUG_APP: Configure an application for debugging.
  • VIBRATE: Allows access to the vibrator.
  • WAKE_LOCK: Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
  • WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Allows an application to write to external storage.
  • WRITE_SETTINGS: Allows an application to read or write the system settings.
  • android.permission.FLASHLIGHT